
Jesus is the One Who cares

           You and I do live during interesting time. A lot of things are available today at a mouse click or through the phone call. We can have an easy excess to information. We can find out information about almost any person in the world simply by ‘Googling’ the question “who is who?”
            It seems like Mark is writing his gospel account in such a manner that often while reading it you are prone to get on the net and Google ‘Who is Jesus?’ Mark is mysterious about Jesus in his gospel narrative. ‘Who is this man Jesus?’ is the question the reader puzzles while reading accounts in the gospel of Mark? This is the question which puzzles the reader. This is the question which surprised disciples. This is the question which is intriguing for you and me.

Our text: Mark 4:35-41

            Here we have disciples traveling with Jesus by a boat. They have a destination where they need to be. They are experienced sailors. They need to get on the other side of the lake. Jesus’ disciples are very tuff men. They grew up near the lake and some of them were professional fishermen. So they knew how it is to sail a boat. But at this day they were tired. Even more, they were probably emotionally drained from all the people they had to deal with. They were so tired that even their teacher fell asleep in the stern. And at this moment a disaster occurs, natural calamity finds the group. At first they do not even notice that Jesus fell asleep. They try to do their best to save a boat. But it was above their strength. They boat is sinking. They are in despair. They do not know what to do … they understand that their life is in danger… and finally, … finally they turn on to Jesus, - ‘Don’t you care, - teacher! We are dying!’ – They cry out on top of their voice and whisper in despair – ‘you are sleeping…’
            Jesus stands up orders the calamity to calm down and says – ‘Why are you so afraid? Don’t you have faith? Don’t you know who are you traveling with?’ And what about disciples? Do they know who Jesus is? They are left in wonder and awe, puzzled and bewildered – ‘Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!’  
            Life has never been an easy travel for us human beings. Through history humankind faced wars, famines, natural disasters, contamination, diseases. Individuals experience trouble today as well. Troubles are many in this world. Prominent Russian writer Leo Tolstoy said, that happy families are all the same but unhappy families are unhappy each in its own way. More than that trouble often meets us when we do not expect it. Who would expect the death of child during delivery? What parent would wish an unwanted pregnancy of their daughter? Who is planning a divorce on the wedding day? Who does not want to return home when leaving for work? As trouble comes we are trying to handle it by ourselves. But often trouble just doesn’t come alone. She brings company with her.  (I may need to think about example here).
What should we do when our smooth pace of life becomes bumpy? Shall we try to handle it ourselves by our own strength? Will we pretend that our road is still smooth? Or boast that we have great shock absorbers?
Or will we cry out with the disciples in the midst of despair   – ‘Lord, don’t you care?’
It all depends how we answer the question of the story in a boat – ‘Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!’
Who is He for you? The Lord, creator of the universe, God Who rules over everything as He is revealed in the Bible? The One who created you. The One who knows you. If so, He cares. He cares for you and He cares for your life.  Have faith. He will take care during the time of trouble for He is in the boat with you in you travel.

          You can invite Jesus to travel with you today, as disciples did it that day ‘they took him along, just as he was, in the boat.’ (Mk.4:36)

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